Did you know?

According to the British Heart Foundation (The British Heart Foundation) you can eat an egg every day. That is, if the eggs do not contain fipronil. Eggs are very satisfying and packed with nutrients. You don't have to worry about the cholesterol in eggs. Most of the cholesterol in our body is made in the liver and to a lesser extent comes from food. Eggs also increase good HDL cholesterol and reduce the harmful effect of bad LDL cholesterol. It is only better not to eat eggs if you suffer from hypercholesterolemia or the ApoE4 gene.

- Gian

We should eat fish more often, because fish contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids. But not all fish is healthy. Some fish, such as tuna, are high in mercury. It is therefore better not to eat this fish too often. It is also often better to leave farmed salmon.
Easy Lemon Butter Fish in 20 Minutes | Chew Out Loud

- Gian

When you think of healthy eating everyone immediately thinks of vegetables. I will now give you a "did you know" about tomatoes. Everyone knows that the sun is harmful to your skin. But scientists found out that tomatoes give you a little more protection from the sun. That's because in tomatoes there is lycopene, this substance protects you from UV rays. To protect your skin from the sun you need 7 tomatoes every day or 300ml tomato soup. 

Tomatoes – Tayste of Trelawny

- Thibeau

Pasta is very good before a match because it contains a lot of carbohydrates, which is an excellent source of energy. But did you know that you can also eat pasta sweetly? In some countries they eat pasta as a dessert. In this kind of dessert, pasta is made with honey and ricotta.

Pittige Pasta - 8 pastarecepten voor liefhebbers van pikante pasta

- Thibeau

Salmon fillet is very rich in protein, it contains 21.6 g of protein which can actually be very healthy for when exercising or working out. Salmon fillet also contains 14 g of fat which is good for building muscle mass. To grow this muscle mass you don't have to eat only salmon fillet but one can also combine it with rice and broccoli for example, this can be a perfect and nutritious meal. When talking about ingredients with the most amount of protein, fish does stand out. Two servings of oily fish per week even has a beneficial effect on health. Moreover, salmon (especially wild and organic salmon) contains a lot of omega 3 acids and vitamins A and D. It is best to buy fresh salmon because it tastes better than salmon that has been in the store for a while. Therefore, it is best to buy your salmon last in the store, so that it does not have to spend so much time between the two fridges. And so you avoid that your salmon will taste less good.

Zalm in zoutkorst - recept - okoko recepten

- Siebe

2,000 kilocalories (kcal) for women and 2,500 kcal for men. These are the number of kilocalories one needs on average for each gender. If you have a healthy weight, you will stay pretty balanced with this guideline. This means that you will not gain or lose weight. If you want to gain weight, you must be well above that average. Look, for example, at people who work out and want to become broader. If you want to lose weight you need to be below average. For people who work out, this may be necessary if they want to make the muscles more visible in the body.
- Siebe
